Thursday, February 1, 2007

Have The Inmates Taken Over?

Tales From The Marketing Wars

This is an interesting time in the marketing world. First, Time magazine announces that the person of the year is "Us," or all of those folks blogging and chatting on the Internet undermining journalists, politicians, celebrities and anyone that becomes a target.

Then, Advertising Age, in its Jan. 8 edition, announces that the Agency of the Year is not an agency at all--but the award goes to "Us," or all those folks videoing, blogging and browsing the Internet, undermining the professionals in the agency business. The editors explained it by saying that the consumer is king and even though Time beat them to it, they were sticking with "Us." ...

Marketing should be about how you differentiate your product in the mind of your customers and prospects. I've expressed this for many years in book after book. That's because marketing is not a battle of products--it's a battle of perceptions...

So, what does "Us" know about marketing strategy? We'll just come up with some form of clever commercial that probably will not include a reason to buy the product over the competitor's product. It will be the kind of commercial that will elicit the response of "what are they selling?"

If a marketer clearly spells all that out in advance by saying to those consumers or amateurs that are generating this advertising, "Here's my point of difference, I want you to dramatize it," maybe you’ll get something of value. But I tend to doubt it. Effective advertising is a science that requires a great deal of experience and training...

by Jack Trout,

Click here to read the full story

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